You have a purchasing need and we recognize it. Let us help you all!

Shopping with Cheetah and have a peace of mind!

Why Choose Cheetah

Expert in global commodity sourcing and logistics

Partners with Major Carriers

We partner with USPS, FedEx and UPS to ensure on time delivery with competitive pricing

Best Customer service

Winning return customers is our focus. We want to ensure you spread the words for us

Payment secured

With latest technology, you can have peace of mind shopping with us

On time delivery

With our strength in global sourcing, every element of the supply chain is planned ahead to ensure delivery

15% Margin Pricing

Our unique pricing model to make the selling price more transparent so you can make informed decision

14-day returns

Change mind for the purchase? no problem. We will take it back

Our pricing model is simple:
Cost +15% margin = selling price

How does Cheetah work?

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Leo nisi ornare eros, iaculis tempor tortor urna eget sem. Ut a diam eu est egestas iaculis eu non mauris. Praesent sit amet ipsum at mauris consequat molestie. Donec a sollicitudin tellus. Donec justo enim, vehicula a aliquam viverra, fringilla fringilla ante.

Quisque tincidunt purus odio, nec pellentesque ligula vehicula at. Proin sagittis purus sit amet felis lobortis scelerisque. Maecenas vitae accumsan ex. Praesent ut consectetur neque. Praesent tempor, augue ac tempus finibus, enim felis venenatis urna...